Rij Appraisal & Review provides professional, accurate appraisal services in San Diego county for:
    • Single Family homes
    • Condos
    • PUD’s
    • 2-4 units
    • Some 5+ units
    • Lots

For the Following purposes;

    • Estates
    • Divorce
    • Listings
    • Purchase
    • Equity lines
    • Mortgage financing
    • Partnership Dissolution
    • Other

The types of appraisals we perform with base fees (fees vary by property based on difficulty):

Desktop Appraisals
– completed from the desk with aerial photos and information from client about condition, etc.

Driveby Appraisals 
– the subject property is driven by to see the front exterior and location

Full Appraisals
– the interior and exterior of the subject property is viewed and photographed for the report
The appraisal fees are for single family homes and condos. 2-4 unit appraisal fees are quoted due to the added work that is involved and can vary depending on the number of units and unit mix.

Desktop appraisals are typically completed within 3 business days, Driveby and Full Appraisals are typically completed within 5 days of the property observation.  Complex appraisals can take longer, which will be discussed during the order process.

30+ years experience performing Estate and Divorce appraisals in San Diego County